The IPHA's codes of practice are available on the IPHA website.

IPHA member companies and also some non-IPHA voluntary contributors provide an annual report that includes:

  • ToVs related to Research & Development;
  • Contributions to costs related to events;
  • Details of donations and grants;
  • Fees for services & consultancy.

The amounts reported are the total per annum for specific categories rather than individual amounts for each transaction. Generally, these are per HCO or HCP and there must be a legal basis for the disclosure. For an individual HCP the legal basis is typically the data protection legislation (e.g. HCP consent, legitimate interest etc). Some HCPs do not agree to individual named disclosure and under this legislation if there is an absence of agreement, annual HCP data can only be published here in aggregate. In contrast, all annual ToVs to HCOs are published on an individual organisation name basis, since agreements with organisations do not fall under the same provisions of this legislation.

The first series of data, or central industry report, related to ToVs made in 2015. Subsequent annual reports have been published within six months of year end and are publicly available for three years from the date of initial publication on Between those periods HCP data may need to be republished by the companies as a result of an individual HCP’s wish to include, or alternatively remove, their individual level data on the site and therefore, HCP data within the central report may change. However, changes to the other data is not expected.

We believe that disclosing the financial aspect of industry’s support for HCPs and HCOs will help assure the public that they can trust their HCPs to recommend treatments or administer appropriate care based solely on clinical evidence.

Access a company's Transfer of Value disclosure: